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Ⅰ 英語學習的有效方法-主題班會英語作文

1、 心理素質影響學習效果
2、 看寫讀聽背——多管齊下效率高難度
3、 「活」單詞與「死」單詞
4、 復習間隔合理,可以省時高效
5、 把英語作為一門文化來學
正如不懂中國文化就不能理解「中庸之道」、「墨守成規」一樣,缺乏西方文化常識就難以理解什麼叫「This is my Waterloo!」(「這是我的滑鐵盧!」指一次失敗。)
怎樣做完形填空題 完形填空題是一篇短文,中間留有10個空白,每個空白為一題,每題有四個選擇項,要求考生在全面理解內容的基礎上選擇一個最佳答案,使短文的意思和結構恢復完整。這部分考試的目的是檢查考生綜合運用語言的能力。 本題考查的重點是語法結構,也有一些常用詞和慣用語的用法。這些問題都在前面幾章討論過了,不同的是前面那些部分都是單句,我們只要對一個句子進行分析,從中找出解題的線索;這里是短文,解題時不能孤立地看一個句子,還要顧及上下文地關系,有些解題的線索可能要從與之相關的別的句子里去找。可以說它不僅像語法或詞彙題,還和閱讀理解題有相通的一面。 做完形填空題,最好是跳開空格,先將短文快速通讀一遍,對短文要說的內容有個大致的了解。然後按照解語法或詞彙題的方法,參照上下文選擇答案。 如《樣題》地完形填空部分,我們粗粗看了一遍後知道它說的是英語句子的含義和語境的關系。有些題的解法和前三章所說的思路一樣,不再。我們看看不大一樣的例子。如第4題的四個選擇項是: A. moreover B. And C. Hence D. Consequently 這四個詞都可以來承接前後兩個句子的意思。我們看它的前一句說:「它的後面有個問號。」接下來說:「有時『How are you?』是一個問句。」這兩個句子如果孤立地看沒有聯系,不成文章。要是我們在後一句前加了Hence(因此),那就表示出因果關系,上下文在邏輯上語氣就連貫了。事實上C就是最佳答案。 再如第9題的四個選擇項是: A. so B. such C. this D. thus 選什麼為答案同樣要看前一句話:「但是多數時候我們說這些話時,不要求別人回答。」根據它,我們選A為答案。為什麼呢?因為so這個詞可以代替前文的詞語或意思,具體到這一句,它實際代表了in such a way 。其餘三個詞是起不了這個作用的。
關於聽力的一個建議 聽力和閱讀是緊密聯結在一起的,閱讀文章不流暢順利,意思不明白的,往往在聽力上也多少存在一些問題。所以,首先要注意閱讀能力,多記憶例句和背誦英文課文等,能夠脫口而出的時候,聽的時候也就很容易明白文章在說什麼。這是最重要的。其次是做題技巧,拿到試卷,在每組題前,首先快速瀏覽題目和選項,大致推測內容可能是什麼,這有助於聽,尤其是長篇文章的聽。其次,注意題型都是有規律的,比如對話測試中一般考察時間、價格、數字,簡單的事實推斷等,快速瀏覽的時候就要注意它大致屬於哪一類,聽的時候也便有重點了。其次是長篇文章,注意開始和結尾部分是最重要的,尤其是第一句和最後一句,往往是命題的出處。還有就是一般出題的部分,讀到此處的時候往往語速會減慢,或者比較清晰。最主要的還是口語和閱讀,這方面強的話,輔以一定技巧,攻克聽力當不是難事。
英語作文怎麼寫? 相對於英語的其它題目,作文的綜合要求可能更高一點,那麼我們就以這次考試的作文為例子來講講英語作文怎麼寫. 首先我先說說同學們在做作文的時候常常遇到的問題,然後我再給出一個大概的解決方法,最後呢,我們聯系這次考試的作文題來實戰一番. 從我們題目的要求來看,是一個記事的記敘文,並且是一個看圖說話類的,所有的素材都在我們的圖片裡面了.那麼我們就要先把圖片仔細的看一下,選好線索,顯然圖片裡面的鍾暗示我們選擇時間為我們的敘事線索.其次要選擇好一個時態的問題,我們可以以晚上回憶的方式來敘述這個事情。那麼都是過去時。 那麼開頭是一個比較困難的事情,大家也許不知道從何說起.這里我給出了一個例子. Our class had already planned to go to Handian Nursing Home to visit those old people living there . We were all eager to go there as soon as we can. And today this time really came, so you could image how happy we were. At about 8:00 in the morning , with tools in hands, we went out of our school towards the Handian Nursing Home 下面我們不必過多的描述在路上的情形,我們重點將描述在敬老院裡面的情形. It was about 9:00 when we arrived there. Though we were a little tired, none of us wanted to have a rest. As some of those old people seldom came out, so some of us helped them walk around to breathe the fresh air. Some help them to wash their clothes, and the others swept the ground. Most of us never do such things at home, so we maybe didn』t do these well, but we all tried our best. At about 11:55,we had lunch with them, and our monitor stood for us to bless them devoutly. During the lunch time, we were all very happy. After lunch, we had a party with those old people. Before we came here, we had already prepared some songs for them. As we expected, they all felt great pleased with our programs. Though maybe we didn』t performed well, the smile on their faces made us very happy. 該到說再見的時候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn』t notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time for us to go home. So we had to say good bye to those old people. On the way home, we all said this was really a significant day, and we decided to come back again whenever we had time.
記不住單詞怎麼辦? 如果你在一個月的閱讀中,同一個單詞碰到了7遍,此後將永遠記住這個單詞了。 最好的記憶法寶是常常使用,閱讀的時候多查查單詞,讀得多了不認識的漸漸少了,這種方法最牢固的。 單詞記憶重在意思和用法的記憶,因為如果你只簡單記住形式,在考試的時候卻主要考察用法和意義。所以單詞最好是放在課文句子中來記憶,一要記住形式,二就是記住用法。 同時,不能只記不練習,需要做一些習題,通過習題強化記憶。還要注意在閱讀中來強化,閱讀的時候見到單詞多了,自然印象也就深了。 我的心得 大量的記住一些感興趣的文章,即使記不住的話,那麼你也應該大量的朗讀。選擇一個好的時間比如早上,早起 一會兒,攜帶著你的書來到教室大聲的誦讀(若是有條件的話那麼找到一個空曠的地方:))。不要怕難為情,要正視自己的弱點!正如李陽所說的: I can't stand my poor Englishi! I can't stand my ten years wasted time! I can't stand being look donw apon! 如果真的作到以上的話,單詞就不是問題了!努力呀!相信自己!YES I CAN ! (1)要過好語音關。把每一個音標發正確,注意改正有問題的音素,特別是那些容易混淆的音素,盡早地掌握國際音標,並盡量的掌握一些讀音規則,盡快地能利用讀音規則來拼單詞,掌握讀音規則對單詞的記憶和拼寫非常有用。 (2)掌握一定數量的英語單詞。對於學習者來說掌握英語詞彙是一難關,學習單詞要從單詞的形、音、義這三方面去掌握,要注意單詞的一詞多義,一詞多類的用法,要學會一些構詞法的知識,來擴展詞彙量。學習單詞要在語言材料中去學,要結合片語,通過句子,閱讀文章來活記單詞,死記的單詞是記不牢的。堅持在讀、說前,先反復聽,聽的時候反應單詞、句子的意思和節奏,想一下單詞的拼法、句子結構。並要同學習語法規則有機結合起來進行。(3)掌握好基本語法。語法在學習英語中也很重要,它能幫助我們把握住英語的基本規律,通過例句或語言現象把死的語法規則要記住,活的規則要通過做大量的練習掌握。總之學習英語要通過聽、說、讀、寫、譯來進行操練,不但要注意數量,更重要的是要注意質量,尤其是基本知識要掌握的准確,熟練。只有經過大量的實踐,才能做到熟能生巧,運用自如。

單詞記憶是很重要的 要過好語音關。把每一個音標發正確,注意改正有問題的音素,特別是那些容易混淆的音素,盡早地掌握國際音標,並盡量的掌握一些讀音規則,盡快地能利用讀音規則來拼單詞,掌握讀音規則對單詞的記憶和拼寫非常有用。

這是我的經驗 希望你英語成績很快提高上來

Ⅱ 英語作文怎麼寫

I hope to go to boarding school, because in residence has more obvious advantage, their self-discipline, mature, independent. Sharp thinking, these life skills to help them stand out in university and life in the future. No matter in what motive, the ZhuDou students can enjoy the best and full of fire in the learning process, cultivate their creativity and leadership skills. 我希望上寄宿學校,因為住宿生具有更明顯的優勢,他們自律、成熟、獨回立。思考敏銳,這答些生活技巧能夠幫助他們在大學和今後的人生中脫穎而出。無論處於什麼動機,那些住讀的學生們都能享受到出色又充滿火力的學習過程,培養自己的創造力和領導能力。

Ⅲ 關於開班會的英語作文謝謝了,大神幫忙啊

In classmeeting, the teacher in the comments on all week, from the aspects of students are put forward, and encourage you to praise. According to the problems in the class recently to discuss with my classmates solution. The teacher and student exchanges among the learning difficulties, the way of learning. (只能想這么多了,當做參考吧) 翻譯是 在班會上,老師在點評大家一周的表現、從版各個方面都對同學們提權出了表揚、並且鼓勵大家繼續努力 。針對最近班級里出現的問題與同學一起商討解決辦法。老師與學生之間交流了學習上的困難,學習的方法。

Ⅳ 將班會內容寫成英語作文~!

Appreciate to meet you
Not everything in the world could be liked by people, and so does man. Every person has the right to choose things.
Maybe I am not the love student in your heart, but you are just the right teacher on my mind, and I like you, yes I do!

I like the moment you talked to me, your strict looking, your loud sound, your earnest words, ...maybe the minute my feeling was bad, yes, not good, I promise, yet the latter success I got proved that your words were good for me...

I can't imagine my life without you-my lovely teacher, I appreciate the god, it's he that let me come across you, and make you teach me.

So I should give some words back to you: my teacher, you've had a long day, have a rest, and happy teachers' day.

National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher.

I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine ang smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our buliding.

Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she aslo told me that's very common like many yong people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat ems and made some phone call.I just can't remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now!!!

Another teacher's day,to all the teachers,to our parents.

It is Teachers』 Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they don』t want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time.』 I will be a teacher when I grow up.

Teachers』 Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.


It is Teachers』 Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody and they don』t want anyone to fall behind others. They always get on very well with their students, and they are our best friends. When students are in trouble, they can help them in time.』 I will be a teacher when I grow up.


Teachers』 Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and I thank them for teaching me how to be a real man.

Of course they are very friendly to everyone. They always get on very well with their students. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. They love us very much and we love them,too.




Ⅳ 英語作文 下周班會,英語老師要求每個同學寫一篇發言稿,分享一下學習英語的經驗。你可以談談對英

When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At
that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school
student, my mother got back from Australia. She asked me to watch
English movies and TV programs, listen to English songs and practise
speaking English with her.
Now, I do one unit of the reading
exercises in Pep Up Your English by the People's Ecation Press every
day. Although I have just graated from junior middle school, I have
finished the books for Senior One students and now I am working on the
books for Senior Two. The reading materials are quite new and cover a
lot of fields, so I like the set of books very much. I think the books
have helped me to improve my reading comprehesion a lot. Thanks to Pep
Up Your English, I got the standard score 807 in English in the first
model examination of Baoan District and A+ in the Shenzhen Senior High
School Entrance examination.
I had some problems while I was
learning English. I was good at spoken English, but poor in written
English. I used to make mistakes in spelling. Then, I learned seven
words by heart every day by going over them five times within a
day——early in the morning, after lunch, after school, after dinner,
before going to bed. As a result, I don't often make mistakes now.
Besides, my grammar was poor, so when I had time, I would read my
grammar book now and then. Although it was boring to me, after thinking
of the goodness it would bring, I didn't feel bored any longer.

Ⅵ 關於班會課的英語作文,誰幫忙寫一份60個單詞

是關於健康的英語作業,60個單詞Many people have realized the importance of health. As the clothes against the cold, with one of the health is also a necessary condition of human existence, while it is often overlooked. I keep the secret of health: adequate sleep, early hours, a healthy diet. In order to better health, daily morning exercise is the best way. Can often be seen, many elderly people in the square fitness, and many young people also love to play some fitness equipment. In addition, a sunny weekend with the family parents went out for a walk is also a good exercise, in short, we should know that health is the most valuable human.

Ⅶ 關於我們的班會的英語作文怎麼結尾

It's almost the end of our middle years. Last Friday afternoon, we had our last class meeting in our classroom. All the students and our class teacher took part in it.
我們的班會 Our Class Meeting英語作文

We held a warm discussion about our future life. Each of us spoke at the meeting actively. Besides, we also showed our sincere thanks to our teachers. They worked so hard to help us in study and life. Teachers hoped that we can still study hard in the future and come back to middle school often. After the discussion, we all decided to study hard as usual and hoped that we all can do well in the secondaryentrance exam.

Ⅷ 假如我是李華.我們班舉行英語主題班會請寫一篇英語作文,字數70

Dear classmates and teachers,
As we all know, the 2010 Shanghai World Expo is being held and every citizen is proud of it and all of us are willing to do something for it. So today we are holding a class meeting and let』 have a discussion about what we have done and what we should do for the Expo.
As far as I』m concerned, I think everyone can do small things such as picking up rubbish on the street and obeying the traffic rules to make our city better. It is what we can do that matches the theme of the Expo --- Better City, Better Life.

Ⅸ 關於學習英語的班會的英語作文

Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.
Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.
To sum up from my own experience, phonetic symbol(音標)is the most thing that English learner should master of, for which is the thing that we can recite new words quickly by. As for the hearing and speaking, we can improve them by listening English tapes whtever it talks about ring cleaning or some sports.
The most stupid mothod is reading the same word again and again,it's useless and a wasting of time! English learning need to accumulate a lot and to understand a lot, but not to recite a lot.
In the other word, when you learn Chinese years ago, you needn't recite lots of words on purpose, but the fact is you know and be able to use many of them grally ring talking with other .

About study and how to study
If you want to improve your study , should have a high efficiency,then,i will gave you some advice。
If you want to have it,you should how to treat the study,play and rest。i think We shouldn『t play all day like a bad boy,we can't study all day just like a bookworm,to be honest,it's so boring for many people to study,so we can't always study,wewillbemad,we must have a rest and play for fun,on the other hand,rest is good for our health,we shouln't ignore it,believe me,just do it,you will be successful。i used to studying in this way。
To sum up,just do with me。

Ⅹ 用英語寫通知開一個班會怎麼寫

Bin to be held this Friday, will ban 這周五本班要召開班會
I hope the students have a good layout of the classroom 希望同學們布置好教室
To meet this week will be five classes 來迎接本周五的班會
Classes will be smooth in order to convene 為了班會的順利內召開
We have to division of labor 我們容要分工合作
The layout of the classroom work 把布置教室的工作做好
Thank you for your cooperation 謝謝大家的配合

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