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㈠ 英語作文 怎樣才算是長大了



㈡ 如何自學提高英語作文


英文書寫應符合書寫規范,英文字母要寫清楚、寫整齊、寫美觀,字母的大小和 字母之間的距離要勻稱。書寫應做到字形秀麗漂亮,通篇勻稱和諧。 寫英文字母要掌握正確筆順。如小寫字母i ,應該先寫下面的部分,然後再打點。有的學生卻按寫漢字的習慣從上到下寫,寫快了,就會把點和下面的豎筆連在一起,顯得十分別扭。字形t應為兩筆。不少人卻將兩筆合成一筆,看上去不像t,倒像l或是e,難以辨認。另外,把r寫成v,把q寫成把g,把k寫成h 等等,都是中學生書寫中常見的毛病。 不少人在四線三格的練習紙上書寫尚有規矩,能按字母的占格、高低和大小要求書寫,但在白紙或橫線紙上書寫,卻顯得十分幼稚拙劣。字母或跳上跳下,或一律寫成同一高度,占上中兩格的字母與佔中下兩格的字母完全沒有高低之別。這 些現象都要防止。 另外,書寫時還要注意詞與詞之間要保持一定的距離,不能緊靠在一起。字母之 間的連寫也應該按照習慣,不能隨意亂來。要特別注意以下幾點:

1. 單音節詞不能移行,即使是字母較多的單音節詞,如through等也不能例外。

2.縮略詞如Mr.、Dr.等不能和後面的名字拆開移行。 縮略的專用名詞如U.K.(the UnitedKingdom)、U.S.A(United States of America)等也不能拆開移 行。

3.時間、量度及貨幣單位應視為一個整體;不能分開移行。 如: 11:00 P.M. 應寫在一行內,不能將11:00和PM.分開移行;寫38℃時, 不能將38和℃分開移行。

4.由「年、月、日」表示的日期。如果必須分開移行只能將「月、日」與「年」分開。如January 6,1980不能將January和6分開移行,但可以把January 6, 和1980分成兩行。

5.含雙寫輔音字母的單詞,在移行時要將輔音字母拆開。如better可拆成 bet-ter,necessary可拆成 neces-sary。 但如果雙寫輔音字母屬於詞根,後面又加了後綴,就不能將兩個輔音字母拆開。如drill加上-ing後構成了drilling,就不可以將它拆成dril-ling,而只能 拆為drilling。


書信題型寫作是應用文寫作中常見的功能性寫作形式,書信寫作的准備一是宏觀,就是要掌握它的格式,基本框架,就是先寫什麼,後寫什麼;二是微觀,具體到 語言如何使用。

日期,寫信人應將寫信日期(年,月,日)放在書信正文的右上角,如Jan. 30th, 2010。提醒:考研書信寫作沒有要求考生必須寫時間,如果沒有把握自己的時間書寫格 式是正確的,建議考生不要寫,以免出錯反而扣分。 稱呼,稱呼是寫信人對收信人的稱謂,稱呼可以根據收信人的性別,職務,婚姻狀況,姓名等個人信息來寫,如:Mr. Williams,Mrs. Bush, Professor Li, Dr. Smith, Dear Mum and Dad 如果寫信人不清楚收信人的具體姓名,職務等情況,可以寫:Dear Sir orMadam, To whom it may concern。

正文,正文是書信的主要部分,在稱呼下方隔一或兩行處開始。考生寫正文時, 要分層次進行。書信正文通常由引言,展開段和結尾三個層次組成。

引言,引言表明寫信人的寫信目的和寫信背景,一般僅限於一段,一兩句話即可。 提醒:此處考生容易犯一個錯誤:照抄題目的表達,甚至原句,這是一個嚴重的 錯誤,在閱卷過程至少會扣到2分,希望廣大考生要注意。 展開段,展開段內容應詳實,具體。可以分為若干段來寫,每一段圍繞一個主題 展開。

提醒:提醒廣大考生,題干中的要點必須全部包含,考生若是在漏掉一個要點(一 般小作文有3個要點)會至少扣掉3分。



句子是作文的基本單位,要有意識地進行連句成文的有步驟的訓練。先把詞彙寫出來,然後巧用一些關聯詞連句成篇。在大量形式多樣的簡單句子中,要逐步學會用簡單句子表達思想.並學會構寫一個語段來表達連貫的思想。 針對句式單一,嘗試多樣化的表達方式。


(1)倒裝句式和定語從句的運用:地點狀語+謂語+主語(時態限於一般現在時和一般過去時)。該句型常用來描述物體方位,它比「there be」句型更令人印象深刻,結合定語從句的運用,使句子結構更加緊湊。


(3)從句的運用。熟練掌握以下句型對寫作幫助很大。 過了多久??(從句的動作)才發生:It will be +before +S+V.如: It will be many years before nature can restore its balance.要過許多年,自然界才能恢復平衡。 從句的動作還沒來得及做,主句的動作就發生了:S+V+ before +S+V. 如: She rushed out of the room before I had time to explain.我還沒來得及解釋她就沖出了房間。 what引導的名詞性從句。如: What surprised (worried, disappointed, impressed?)me most is that?. What I need(want, worry about, hope?)is that?.

(4)It is 形容詞或過去分詞+that—clause句型。

(5)It happened that+S+V句型。(碰巧發生什麼事)。

(6)強調句型:It is(was)+被強調成分+that/who+句子的其它成分。如:It was in Australia that I picked up my English.


對課文中優秀的對話和篇章要背誦熟讀,多做翻譯、改寫和仿寫練習。 要求每天記日記 。有機會去寫自己身邊的瑣事,大膽地寫,不受約束,想寫什麼就寫什麼,有什麼就寫什麼。養成寫日記的好習慣。 多讀多記多練.打好語感基礎。 「熟讀唐詩三百首,不會吟詩也會吟。」英語也一樣。在學習中大部分人總是擺脫不了漢語對英語學習的影響,習慣用漢語的思維方式去學英語,才會在寫作中無從下手或寫出一些句型錯誤的中式英語。只有多讀多背,對英語的語言習慣才會熟悉起來.並且找到語感,寫作時也才不會被漢語的思維習慣所干擾。「讀」即選讀一些外刊的精晶短文,或各種題材的範文,這類.文章語言規范、地道.文字短小精悍,學了就能派上用場。除此之外還要求學生正確發出每個單詞的音,流利讀出每句英文,還要求學生正確理解每句英文的意思,為下一步「記」掃清障礙。「記」指記憶,即背誦。書面表達的困難就在於頭腦中「漢語表達習慣」的「沉積層太厚」.要克服漢語干擾,徹底從學生的大腦中趕走「中國式英語」,依靠理解和熟讀英語短文,是不夠的.必須通過「背誦」才能使「英語表達法」深深印在學生的腦子里。 通過大量閱讀來提高英語寫作能力。 古人雲:「讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神」、「口不絕吟於六藝之文,手不停披於百家之編」。可見,閱讀量對表達能力的影響是直接的,閱讀量越多,對表達能力的影響也越大。沒有大量閱讀,一切都是「空中樓閣」。大量的閱讀英語文章有助於擴大詞彙量豐富語言知識,增加語感,提高應運語言的能力,很多學生經常會想中文怎麼寫就會寫.寫出中文式英文,語法不通。所以通過大量閱讀,逐漸地不會出現中文式英文。「大量閱讀,高效寫作」旨在培養學生的閱讀能力和寫作能力,即口頭和書面表達能力。這里閱讀是前提和基礎,只有通過讓學生大量閱讀,積累豐富的經驗,才能掌握靈活的英語寫作方法,才能為表達奠定良好的基礎。



如何避免由於漢語思維導致的英語寫作錯誤:對英語作文的典型錯誤進行分析既是檢驗漢譯英水平的最佳方法,也是提高英語作文水平的最有效途徑。在此充分展示一下錯誤分析的方法和作用。下面 列舉的學生譯文收入了學生們在練習和考試中普遍出現的、具有代表性的英語錯誤。要仔細對照原文,努力挑出其中的錯誤,並且學會改正它們。在這個過程中,可以做一件非常有用的事,就是把找出的錯誤分門別類,然後根據自己容易犯的錯誤類型,有針對性地進行深入的英語學習和寫作訓練。 翻譯錯誤的出現不僅是因為水平有限,而且往往出於思維的惰性。把漢語原文的詞語都變成英文詞語,按一定順序串成句子,確實已經讓初學者費了不少腦筋。這時尤其要認識到,寫作過程遠遠沒有結束。你還需要自問:詞語是否譯得恰當?要避免虛假對應;詞語間搭配是否合適?要避免照搬漢語搭配;句子結構是否自然?要避免中式 英文和翻譯腔。

㈢ 孩子如何成長 初三英語作文

Are you a good child? How can you be a good child? At school, I think you should work hard and learn all the subjects well. Also, you should do some sports to keep healthy. You can help your teacher clean the blackboard. Listen to your teachesr carefully. Do your homework carefully. At home, you can help your mother do some housework, such as cleaning the house, washing the clothes and so on. As a good child, you should respect your parents and your grandparents. Don't make them angry. When you go out, tell your parents. Then they will not worry about you. Try these, you will be a very good child.

㈣ 長大英語作文60個單詞。

Whenwe were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an alt.As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However,we often complain that I don』t want to grow up when we become alts actually.
Firstly,growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves orwe should support our parents when they can』t earn enough money to make aliving. Secondly, after graation, we need to work instead of accomplishingnothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs.After that, when we meet with the right person, we will get marry with him orher to build a family. That is to say, we have heavier burden because of ourfamily. Building a family and keeping it harmonious is not easy. In a word,there are many problems waiting for us once we grow up.
Everycoin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunityto know more about our world, love and protect the important person in ourlife. Don』t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy our life.

㈤ 關於成長的英語作文

About grow up
About my grew up,I have had the love grew up,job grew up,made the friend grew up,life grew up.Below I just said about make friends grew up.
When I was a child,I don』 know how to make friend,I don』t know to see my somebody』s advantage,looks me,likes a lonely person.I just have a less people,when my dream lost,I just like disappeared,I don』t like talk with the people anymore,I hate some ugly things,so also hate ugly people.Although I also hate myself.That days I haven』t had impression,until when day,I meet a friend,said one story for me.Now I have already forget that story,but that story』s about the Christan』s story,that story encourage me to change my idea.And I was continue to make the friend,amazing,I made many friends,and I have had the good relationship with their.In it,some mistake was my,I have had more possessive and advance,so have the disorder.So a pity,some friends not continue to made the friends with me,but that Chritan』s story let me know what is big love. So these year let me know what is tolerant,how to love my family person and friends.Although now I also need to grow up,but life give me persistent to deal with many things.
In my life,peace,love,full-energetic,happy,belief,true,kind,beautiful, tolerant all are very important in my life.I don』t wanna hate everyone,because life doesn』t talk with us to hate someone forever,and love is forever.

㈥ 怎樣讓媽媽覺得自己長大了的英語作文

When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an alt. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often complain that I don』t want to grow up when we become alts actually.

㈦ 英語作文 關於我想長大做什麼

我什麼也不怕,我會應付生活中碰到的任何情況。現在我正在努力學習。我相信將來我一定能考上警校 When I was a kid, I dreamed to be a policeman. But my parents always said that it's a dangerous job. My uncle and unty even told me that one of their police friends was injured seriously ring work. Since then I've never mentioned to them that I wanted to be a police.
However I would still deream that I bacame a policeman and caught many thieves. In one of my dreams, I found a thief who wanted to escape, but finally I got him. People just give me a sight with respectation.
I do not fear anything and I can deal with everything in the life. I am working hard for my dream and I am confident that I will study in the police school in the future.

㈧ 我長大了的英語作文

I've been grown up
When I helped my mom clean the room last night,she smiled and said,"you've grown up."
I've been grown up,haven't It's true that I can help my mom.
On the one hand,I can get experience for doing housework.On the other hand,my mom can relax.So far,there has been white hair on her head.
It's true that I have become such a person that I do as many as possible to help my mom.

㈨ 求一篇關於長大了的英語作文,

how times flies! I am a student in Grade Nine and facing the first turning point in my school life.This title 「Growing pains and gains」reminds me of the meaningful school life.The colourful life is full of my happiness and sorrows.
In school,I have to take a lot of lessons.Some are in teresting while some are boring.But it's the responsibility of the students to leam them all well. I have to try my best.During my growing time,a lot of trouble worried me.That's awful and makes me blue.
Although I met with a lot of failure, I still have a lot of gains.I can make a priceless freiendship. I can leam a large number of usful things----to be kind,friendly to others, to be confident and independent and so on.
I think growing pains and gains are coutless.But they play an important role in my life and make my life colourful.

㈩ 英語作文《你覺得怎樣算長大》一百單詞和翻譯

With the development of technology, the cities becomes much more developed than
countryside. In order to change this, government spends more time and money

the cities becomes much more developed than countryside, people can
see there are much more different than before. In this way. Now. In order to
change this, government spends more time and money help countryside develop
factories and transportation.
In the past.
There was no good schools in
the countryside and also devoid of good mechanical devices, it would be hard to
have a good medical treatment in the countryside. Now. But people can go to big
cities with the help of developing high ways, many new school with advanced
devices were build up in the countryside, cars and buses. Many good doctors and
nurses also come to countryside to help poeple get a better medical aids, with
the help of charities and kind rich people, more kids in suburbs could go to
school and have a higher ecation.
In conclusion, development of the
technology makes people's lives in the countryside more colorful and we can even
see the changes in the countrysideWith the development of technology

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