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發布時間: 2021-12-05 06:14:57

㈠ 「我把您轉到他的分機上(extension)」翻譯成英文。

I will put you through to his extension.

㈡ 請問, 名片上的總機和直撥怎麼翻譯成英語

總機:不需要翻譯, 直接電話號碼。

分機: Ex.No (extention no)

例如:62345678 Ex.No.-123

㈢ 請撥分機號,查號請撥0,用英語怎麼說

Please dial the extension number, check, please dial 0

分機號run number; extension number

㈣ 名片上的英語「分機號」或「轉」怎麼表示

an extension number
extension number of each department


㈤ 英語翻譯,繼續等待請按1,轉撥其他分機請按2。

Continue to wait, please press 1, transfers to other extensions, please press 2.

㈥ 請問電話「轉」多少號英文怎麼翻譯啊

如果像公司里有許多分機, 則用『轉接』 transfer 或是 redirect. 會比較恰當. 例如同樣的情況你可以說, "I'm transferring your call." 或是 "I'm redirecting your call." (我幫你轉接到分機給她.) 如果是接線生轉接的話, 他們有時就只簡單地說, "One moment, please." 或是, "OK. I'll put you through."

㈦ 打電話轉到分機時怎麼用英語說阿

分機號碼是:extention number 轉是transfer 請幫忙轉分機號333: Please help me transfer to 333.

㈧ "這是分機電話號碼,需要由總機轉分機"求助這句話的英文翻譯

This is the number of extension

You need to transfer from the telephone exchange

㈨ 關於英語的翻譯問題

1. Sir, you are dialing a direct line. If you need to find someone by extension, please call the gerenal line for the operator.
2. Sir, shall I put you through to the related department so that you can consult them about your questions?

㈩ 打電話時,轉分機號碼的「轉」用英文怎麼說

分機號碼是:extention number
Please help me transfer to 333.

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