① "色香味俱全"用英語怎麼說啊急呀。。。哪位大蝦幫幫忙。。。
be good in color, flavor and taste.其他說法
Chinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious.They are very good in color, flavor and taste.
It's perfect in color, aroma and taste.
I think Chinese food is perfect in colour, aroma and taste.
They're good in color , flavor, and taste.
Sometimes.The most important are color, flavor and taste of this food.
② 你就可以享受色香味俱全的美食了 用英語怎麼說 不要翻譯器,謝謝,高手,急求
1. then you can enjoy the perfect delicacy.
2. then the perfect delicacy can serve you.
③ 從色香味來看很不錯綿甜爽口是好酒用英文怎麼翻譯
From the view of good color fragrance mellow and refreshing is good wine
④ 這道菜色香味具全用英語怎麼說
This dish she has made is rich in colors, aroma and flavor.
⑤ 中國飲食的色香味俱全用英語怎麼說
Chinese dishe is a combination of beatiful color,fragrant smell,and delicious taste.
⑥ 中國飲食的色香味俱全用英語怎麼說
Chinese dishe is a combination of beatiful color,fragrant smell, and delicious taste.
⑦ 這道菜色香味具全用英語怎麼說 她做的這道菜色、香、味具全.翻譯成英文啊~
This dish she has made is rich in colors,aroma and flavor.
⑧ 味道英文怎麼說
taste 指味覺嘗到的味道
sapor 也是指望食物的味道,滋味或者風味一類的
scent 是氣味,特回別是指香味
flavour 一般指做菜答調料產生的調味
smell 作為名詞的時候也是指任何聞得到的氣味,而且附帶有一種氣味帶來的效果
odour 也可以指氣味,帶有一種科學性,通常用在比較正式的文章里
⑨ 「色『香』味俱全」用英語怎麼說
with look, taste and smell all there