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發布時間: 2021-11-11 23:40:38

① 發酵罐用英語怎麼說

Fermentation tank

② BBT是否發酵罐英文縮寫

發酵罐 Fermenter



Lychee is revered as "the king of fruits" but "once detached from itsbranches, it will
change its color by day one, its fragrance by day two, itstaste by day three, and its
color, fragrance and taste will be gone after fouror five days." The ancient Chinese
pharmacopeia shows that lychee can quenchyour thirst, regulate the flow of vital
energy and benefit the blood, so the ancient people even go so far as toexclaim
that "Why not be a resident of Lingnan(where lychee grows) and take 300 lychees
a day!" The lycheewine is brewed from premier fresh lychees after the processes of cleansing, draining-off,peeling, pit removal, juice extraction and fermentation
in fermenters at a lowtemperature, the whole process is controlled within 30 minutes, which not onlykeeps the refreshing fragrance but also prevents the loss of
the nutrients inlychees. As a brand new concept of the healthy fruit wine, the
lychee wine is aTriton of the minnows and has been awarded the hard-won
trophy against othercompeting fruit wines, meeting the demands of customers forsuch wine that is healthyand offers the unique taste bud experiences.

④ 發酵的英語翻譯 發酵用英語怎麼說


⑤ 發酵液用英語怎麼說

fermentation broth;fermentation liquor

⑥ 求翻譯:發酵、發酵罐、種子罐、補料罐


⑦ 染菌的英語翻譯 染菌用英語怎麼說

[詞典] [化] contaimination;
The Reason Analysis and Solving Method for Bacteria Infection in the Antibiotic Proction

⑧ 生物工程關於發酵罐的英文5000字


⑨ 英文翻譯不要百度翻譯的要手動翻譯

Design one proction line which can process ten thousand tons of litchi per year, mainly including the pretreatment workshop, the fermentation workshop, freezing workshop and filling workshop, processes litchi into fresh wine, brandy and drinks, this can improve the added value of litchi, thereby increasing farmers' incomes. and this topic is mainly floating roof design of fermentation tank.Traditional fermentation tank is fixed volume, this will lead lychee juice to contact with air when it is not enough in the cases, futher to affect the proct quality and taste. So we design a variable volume of floating roof fermentation tank, floating roof held by steel wire rope, which can be freely moved, when only a small amount of litchi juice, our floating roof with rubber balloon can come down, pushes air out, fill the rubber balloon filled with air again, thus forming a variable volume of floating roof fermentation tank. this can solve problems of instrial proction with uncertain reactant volume.

⑩ 麻煩英語帝幫忙翻譯把下面的漢語翻譯成英語啦。。。謝啦

1: we often find that to apply a rule (to apply a rule than to know it more rare
2: huge investment (investment) make the region economy develop rapidly
3: instrial and automotive emissions of carbon monoxide, have seriously polluted the atmosphere
4: it goes without saying that (be self - evident), young people's ecation to the future of a country is very important
5: people learning ability appears to be infinite
1: scientists have done many experiments, and suggest that in the aspect of improving human's behavior, praising is more effective than criticism
2: everyone see the same scene, but see things are different
3: now it is widely believed that the origin of mankind is in Africa
4: the author thinks that we should not take it for granted that those who score high on intelligence tests in the practical work will certainly do good
5: as long as you keep trying, you will be able to solve this difficult problem of
1: Henry's last novel and his daughter first book in all three months ago press, to their surprise, the latter has sold one million copies
2: if you want to achieve something in life, the most important is to build confidence
3: ATM machine function is. No matter in bank of its business or close the door, can let people use a special card take out money from their bank account
4: I believed that more advanced animal from the relatively low-level animal evolved
5: it goes without saying that the young people ecation to the future of a country is very important
1: the old couple were proud of their grandson, because he at the 26th Olympic Games won two gold MEDALS and a bronze
2: most students found that Aristotle's philosophy thought than they had thought is much more complicated
3: it was in that small a small room (small room), their hard work and looked forward to the bright future
4: people learning ability appears to be infinite
5: by using this technology will cause a fruit proction revolution

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