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發布時間: 2021-10-29 23:23:04

A. 再生面料英文怎麼說



B. 「不可再生資源」英語怎麼說

nonrenewable resource
nonrenewable energy是不可再生能源,能源是包含在資源范圍內的

C. 英語高手翻譯 急~

Summary:This paper is a review of the aims and practice of active citizenship in
England.It sets out the key concepts and gives an account of the developing policy
agenda in crime, regeneration. And housing, ecation, health and local government. It
reviews the current state of scientific knowledge in this area, in particular summarising
research commissioned by the Home Office Civil Renewal Research
Programme,2004(R)C05. Whilst the research findings show the positive contribution of
government initiatives in this area, a key theme that emerges is that the policy context and
the causal relationships are often more complex than advocates sometimes claim.
Active citizenship has become a central concept in the government policy agenda. The
ambition behind the agenda is substantial a vision of strong, active, and empowered
communities—increasingly capable of doing things for themselves, defining the
problems they face and then tackling them together (Blunkett, 2003, p. 1).
Active citizenship is evocative of notions of community, citizenship and empowerment and
speaks to the presumed intrinsic benefits of public engagement in decision-making: the
idea is that the process of participation is, and should be valued as, a good in and of itself.
Yet, active citizenship consists of more than simply increasing the level of public
participation for its own sake it demands participation with a purpose. That purpose is to
engage people in making their communities better places for themselves and for those
around them (Stoker, 2004, p. 2).

Active citizenship is about engaging people in decision-making processes, giving them a
say in the planning and delivery of public services, and involving them in their
communities, as a means to improve outcomes.
The first section of the paper explores the rediscovery of the civic and the connected set
of ideas around respect, civility, social capital and active citizenship. The article then
outlines the growing number of policy programmes that build a concern with the civic into
their operation. We then consider whether social scientific knowledge could support the
idea that more active citizenry can make a difference. We find gaps in the existing
approaches and argue for an agenda of more practical and outcome-oriented studies of
what makes 『civicness』 work or not.Our examples of how the agenda could be moved
forward are provided by research commissioned by the Home Office Civil Renewal
Research Programme, 2004–05— projects designed to find out practical information
about the impact and nature of citizen involvement in services, about what gets civil
renewal going and what impact it has. Our overall message is typical of that proced by
research. We agree with the policy-makers that engaging people can make a difference,
but we argue that the process of engagement and obtaining beneficial outcomes is
somewhat more complex than policy advocates sometimes imply.

D. 英語翻譯:任何生物一旦滅絕,將永遠不能再生。怎麼說


Once an organism becomes totally extinct, it is lost forever
An organism will not regenerate once destroyed.

E. 非可再生能源英文怎麼翻譯

nonrenewable resources

F. 英語高手幫忙翻譯一下!!

具體地說,Aquentiumt 綜合了三項技術包括使用機械和電子分揀技術的前期材料回收設施,其分出惰性材料(橡膠、碎玻璃...),回收材料(塑料、金屬、紙張和紙盒)以及纖維和生物質;一個剩餘物次生燃料(RDF)生產系統;和一個RDF能量回收綜合設施的氣化廠。

G. 英語高手來翻譯

Bansiwal等人[63]通過在氧化鋁上鍍上氧化銅塗層才提高它對水的除氟性能。鍍氧化銅的氧化鋁(簡稱COCA)通過在氧化鋁中注入硫酸銅溶液然後在450◦C高溫下在空氣中煅燒來合成。在Langmuir 模型中生成的COCA的氟化物吸附能力為7.22毫克/克,比改進前的性能(2.232毫克/克)增強了3倍。COCA吸附能力的顯著提高被解釋為可能是由於zeta電位增加了更多的正值從而導致了對氟化物吸附作用的增強。據觀察,當pH值發生變化時,被除掉氟化物的變化是很小的。據報道,在pH值在8以上時,吸附能力會邊際遞減。這可能是由於氫氧離子在鹼性條件下的競爭導致的。對COCA處理前與處理後的水質測試結果也證實了沒有銅被萃取。
現有的市售活性氧化鋁的吸附速度緩慢,這一點限制其在處理大量的水方面的應用。另一方面,鎂砂已被發現具有除氟功效的可能,但由於其是粉末狀,導致了它自身作為吸附劑使用的局限性。結合這兩種材料的優點,Maliyekkal等人[64]研製了加鎂活性氧化鋁(MAAA),並且測試了其除氟吸附劑的能力。 通過在450◦C 高溫下,在焙燒氫氧化鎂中浸漬氧化鋁的方法製成的MAAA展現出了比活性氧化鋁更高的氟吸附潛力。在中性pH值下,接觸3小時便可去除95%的氟化物。這種氟吸附機理被解釋為氧化鎂與水反應形成了氫氧化鎂。

等人[65]使用溶膠 - 凝膠技術製造出了活性氧化鋁。氧化鈣或者二氧化錳被塗在了氧化鋁上來改善其表層的功效。吸附作用研究結果表明了被氧化鈣改進的活性氧化鋁(CaO-AA)
吸附劑的具有最強的氟吸附能力。在同樣的初始濃度下,CaO-AA被發現可比sol–gel AA和MnO2-AA高出5到10倍的氟吸附能力。經發現,吸附劑的鹼性會影響吸附劑的最高吸附能力。


H. 求英語高手翻譯

Therefore, the Westerners for eating dog meat is very offensive. Ethnic Chinese and English attitudes toward the dog, naturally reflected in the vocabulary. In Chinese culture, the "dog" is despised, cursed objects, and "dog" almost without exception with the derogatory word to "dog" putting the word containing derogatory phrase can put together a list: cornered, shit blocked, audacious, the idea that nozzle, Goutoujunshi, unworthy sequel, Huqungoudang, sticking plasters, Gouzhangrenshi, dog bites play the part of the dog bark and so on. Chinese, other contain "dogs" is a curse word or phrase of words such as "running dog", "Reservoir Dogs", "pug", "henchman", "dog feces heap", "shit" and so on. The number of English words with a dog are an obvious compliment, mostly used to describe and describe the bright side of things, such as ajoilydog (gay people); top-dog (the most important person); water dog (good at swimming people - water cks); Love me, love my dog (he is in love); Every dog has his day mortal Jieyou his day); He worked like a dog (he did a very hard) and so on. In addition, dog is sometimes used to refer to people, meaning the equivalent of felow, as it can be said You lucky dog (you are the lucky guy), What a lazy dog he is (he was the guy really lazy) and so on. These words not only did not sense any insult to the contrary, that a kind of intimate relationship. Both Chinese and foreign, are the basic functions of a dog a home-care hospital (when the pet is feeding the function later), a dog a home-care hospital functions to achieve the basic means of barking and biting, often hinder interpersonal relationships. Chinese people emphasize the collective spirit, focus on human contact, while Western countries stressed the independence of the indivial. Dog in different regions of the "professional" features, while the fundamental has not changed, but in a different culture, society, the impact of human activities, but varies in different atmosphere to the dog should be very different experiences of nature. From this point of view that "dog" and "dog" in Chinese and English words correspond to the opposite figurative sense. Then the phoenix in Chinese and English in the phoenix as an example. In Chinese mythology, the phoenix is seen as the king of birds, the male called "Phoenix" female "the phoenix." Although China did not like the English nation as well-known myths and legends, but Phoenix is Kat.


I. 再生的英語翻譯 再生用英語怎麼說

rebirth (名詞)
Spring is the symbol of a new life and rebirth.


J. 英語翻譯

The facts are clear. First,because of growing population in the developing countries and growing consumption in the instrialized countried,there is now a shap competition for the world's resources.This competition is for the limited and nonrenewable resources,such as oil,gas,coal,and minerals because they will soon be gone.It is also for the renewable resources,such as the soil with its grasslands and croplands and the sea with its fish because they are being overused.Secondly,the people of every country are making more and more demands on their own resources and services .Their own governments are finding it difficult to meet these demands.
Both these facts could cause social problems.Therefore,every government should be responsible for controlling population growth.


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