① 英語作文,寫一篇向一家英文報刊反映上學路上所遇到的交通問題
boys, they love to see basketball match, because they love to play it. While today, more and more girls fall in love with sports, they also become the big fans. Since the Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008, people are passionate about sport, more and more sports are known by the public. I am a big fan of tennis match, once a famous athlete said one ball could change everything, you will never know the result until the last minute, I think that is the charm of sports. The athletes never give up and fight for the last minute, they inspire people to hold on, their spirit moves so many people.
② 用英語寫一篇在上學路上幫助摔倒在地的小朋友的家人很感激的作文
, Ifelldownandhurtmyarmsbadly. Assoonasmyparentsheardthis, theytookmetothehospitalatonce. Duringmystayinbed, . Meanwhile, theyhelpedmewithmylessons. Withtheirhelp, Icaughtupwithmyclassmates. NowI'.
③ 求用七十個單詞寫的上學路上的見聞故事的英語作文
today, when I was on the way to school,I met a wonderful, cute little dog. but it was ingured and lt looked very sick so I took it to the hospital and had a look to the doctor. so I was late 寫不下啊
④ 吳麗在上學路上撿到一個錢包發現裡面有錢。根據提示寫出一篇50個單詞的英語作文!
One day,Wuli was walking on her way to school.A red wallet burst into her view suddenly.She picked it up and found much money in it.She thought the owner must be worride.At this moment,a police was coming.So she gave that wallet to the police.Then she kept on going to school happily!
⑤ 上學路上(英語作文過去式)
⑥ 上學路上(英語作文過去式)
on one's way to school, 這里邊的 one's根據人稱來確定,這個短語是介詞短語,若表過去式可以用相應的時間狀語或者是動詞的過去式來體現。
⑦ 關於上學路上出車禍向老師請假的英語作文u.sanwen.net
Dear Mr./Mrs. XXX, this is XX. I'm writing to you because I need ask for one day off. I have stomachache. My mom took me to doctor this morning. The doctor gave me some medication and asked me to stay at home for one day. The attached is the diagnosis from the doctor and the sick leave certificate, please have a look. If there's any handout or assignment, could you please keep for me, I will collect from you when I'm back to school. Teacher, I have something to tell you. I'm sor ry I can't attend the lecture tomorrow afternoon Americ an history, because I have to go to the airport to meet m y uncle. Would you please understanding, the teacher w ould have recording? And I got to cram a
⑧ 在我上學路上 英語小作文(簡單點)初一
上學的路上上學的路上,每天都能看到一輛破舊的輪椅,上面歪歪斜斜地坐著,不,更確切地說是蜷縮著一個人。也許是因為深秋的冷風吹得他直不起身,或是身體的殘疾讓他從沒坐起過。他就這樣蜷縮著,只用右手一點點地轉動著車輪,手套的5個指頭都露出了黑乎乎的棉花。身邊有一個打氣筒和盛錢的鐵罐,旁邊的牌子了寫著「自行車打氣,5分。」顯然,他是靠打氣筒掙錢吃飯的。只是,我從沒看清過棉帽下的那張臉。 直到有一天…… 中午,路上依然是車水馬龍。跛子也照例在路旁讓人打氣,當然,還是那兩季混用的破棉襖和那頂壓得很低的帽子,我隨著人流慢慢地騎著,「嘀……」身後一輛小轎車叫個不停,人們迫於無奈,不滿地低聲罵著,從本來就很擁擠的空間中閃出一條小道來。就在這時,只聽「咣」地一聲,那跛子連人帶車一齊被擠倒在剛要啟動的轎車前。鐵罐里的錢幣頓時滾落一地。「瞎了你,找死哪!」車上的司機探出頭,大聲罵著,見地上的人一動不動,便霍地跳下車,狠狠一摔車門,對縮在地上的跛子叫道:「別裝傻,我可沒撞倒你。」任憑他怎樣叫罵,跛子仍舊一動不動,旁邊有人說:「你倒是看看他怎麼了!」司機的臉變得鐵青,猛地伸手向跛子頭上抓去,隨著「啊」的一聲,帽子被拽了下來,被揪斷的帽帶兒,在風中擺來擺去。就在跛子抬頭的同時,我看清了那張臉,這張醜陋的臉,桃核一般的面孔,柴草一樣的頭發,而那眼睛竟然沒有一絲光彩,呆滯地望著突如其來的一切。天!他竟是個白痴。人們似乎都舒了口氣。「原來是個傻子,不好好在家呆著,出來幹啥?」「就是這樣的人撞死白撞。」司機的臉上恢復了驕橫的神氣,輕蔑地笑著:「都啥樣兒了,還財迷心竅地想賺錢。」「賺錢,你知道他賺錢為啥?」 突然,從人群中擠過來一位老奶奶,「他用這錢養活一個病在床上的老娘!」老奶奶的聲音顫抖著,眼裡分明噙著淚水。人群沉默了,她俯下身去,努力想把跛子扶起來。幾乎同時好幾雙有力的大手伸向跛子,把他抱到輪椅上。孩子們爭著撿起散落在地上的錢,擱在小鐵罐里,放在跛子手裡。他剛才還是一副茫然的模樣,這會兒見到滿滿的一罐錢,「嘿嘿」地笑起來,一勁兒說:「錢,買葯,買葯。」不知什麼時候,那個司機已把帽子戴在跛子頭上,這回載得很正,可能清楚地看到那張臉,那張「嘿嘿」地笑著的臉。
⑨ 你每天是怎樣去學校的上學路上你看到了什麼呢英語作文
I often take bus to go to school. There is a bus stop in the front of main gate of our community. I take five stops and get off at the Main road.
I often see many people to go to work and my schoolmates to go to school as I do at the same time. People get in and off. Occasionally, some passengers argue because it is very crowded in the bus.
And anything else? Of course, one thing I noticed that rich people rarely take bus.