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發布時間: 2021-02-25 08:42:17

㈠ 在午餐時間用英語怎麼說

at lunch time

㈡ 吃午餐的時間 翻譯成英文

time for lunch

㈢ 它是午餐時間用英語怎麼說

來源有道詞典手機 翻譯

It is time for lunch

㈣ 現在是午餐時間了怎麼用英語說 要兩種

1.It's time for lunch;(交際用)
2.Lunch hour;(餐廳標識常用)
3.time for lunch/time to have lunch now;(口語常用)

㈤ 午飯時間是幾點呢 英語翻譯

1 午飯時間是幾點呢?
When is the lunch time?
2 距離中午吃飯時間還有多久?
How long is it for lunch?
3 距離下班時間 / 上班時間還有多久?
How long is it to be on/off ty?
4 如果他不告訴我,我也不會去問他的。
If he didn't tell me ,I won't go and ask him

5 明天我要參加一個同事之間的聚餐
Tomorrow I'll attend a colleague's dinner party.
Tomorrow I'll meet some old friends for dinner. I haven't seen them for a long time and I'm missing them so much.

6 一會 我們倆 / 我們三個人 就過去找你一起吃飯,你先不要離開,在那裡等著我們
For a while, both of us ot three of us will go and meet you, so do not leave ans stay where you are to await us.

7 難得你請我們大家吃飯,所以我們這次要大吃一頓了

It is not so easy for you to treat us all to dinner together, so we have to pig out this time.

㈥ 午飯時間用英語怎麼說

lunch time

㈦ 『在午飯時間』英語怎麼說

at the lunch time

㈧ 午餐的英語怎麼說

午餐的英語:lunch,發音為: [lʌn(t)ʃ


詞性:n. 午餐;vt. 吃午餐;供給午餐;vi. 吃午餐;供給午餐。


have lunch 吃午飯,吃午餐

after lunch 午飯後

lunch time 午飯時間

at lunch 午餐時;吃午餐

free lunch 免費午餐

eat lunch 吃午餐

out to lunch 瘋狂的;神志不清的;過時的;懶散的

lunch break 午休時間

lunch box 飯盒;便當

lunch hour 午餐時間

do lunch 共進午餐 , 共進午餐:

picnic lunch 便當,野餐

business lunch 工作午餐;商業午餐

buffet lunch 簡易午餐

working lunch 工作餐,工作午餐

light lunch 很隨便的午飯;口味清淡的午餐

box lunch 盒飯;盒裝午餐


1、She made a hasty lunch.


2、Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.


3、The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch.


㈨ 英語翻譯1 午飯時間是幾點

when is the exhibition going to be held.

㈩ 在午餐時間 翻譯英文

at lunch

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