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發布時間: 2021-02-23 05:42:22

① 他長得很高很帥 ,翻譯成英文

他長得來很自高很帥 ,翻譯成英文

He is handsome as well as tall

He is not only so tall but also very handsome

He is so tall and so handsome

He is so tall, besides, He is also so handsome

② 他長得怎麼樣他很高 用英語怎麼說

What does he look like?
He is very tall.

③ 他很高用英文怎麼說

He is very tall.

④ 他長的又高又壯翻譯成英文

He has grown both tall and strong.

⑤ 長得高用英語怎麼說

have a tall height ,樓下是長高,這是長的高

⑥ 「他長得越來越高了」用英語怎麼說

He grows taller and taller.


⑦ 他真的很高用英語怎麼說


英文翻譯:He's reallytall.


[形] high; tall; above the average; of a high level or degree

[名屬] height; altitude; a surname

⑧ 他長得怎麼樣他是個高個子用英語怎麼說


How does he grow? He's a tall man.

a tall man


[例句]I struggled, but he wasatallman,well-built.


⑨ 《他長得高大英俊,為人隨和,樂於助人》用英語怎樣翻譯

He is a tall and handsome guy who has an easygoing personality and is eager to help others

⑩ 他長得怎麼樣他很高 用英語怎麼說

What does he look like?
He is very tall.

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