1. 英文翻譯
錦洪鋼結構 Jinhong Steel Structure
Zhengzhou Jinhong Steel Structure & Color-Board Co., Ltd.
2. 英文翻譯:
3. 幫忙翻譯英文
4. 英文翻譯 請英文高手幫忙!!!萬分感謝。
Neither is poverty an obstacle, but a man may benefit his country whatever the obscurity of his condition.
5. 羅姓的英文翻譯
在國外的華僑姓羅的用 Law 因為發音相近。因此華僑都用這個做姓。因此看這個姓就知道您出自哪裡,大陸的話一般用漢語拼音Luo 香港用香港拼音Lo 而華僑用Law。 本人也姓羅,因此不會騙您的。謝謝
6. 請問怎麼翻譯啊求英語高手啊
As I Knew Him by Eric Fenby (Icon Books, 1966; originally G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1936).
他以 Eric Fenby (Icon Books, 1966; 原版G. Bell & Sons Ltd., 1936)的名字為我所知。(這一句中的as是作「盡管」解或其他解,得要看上下文內。)
The character Vyvyan Ayrs quotes Nietzsche more freely than he admits, and the poem read by Hester Van Zandt to Margo Roker is Emerson』s 「Brahma.
角色容Vyvyan Ayrs引用尼採的話把他自己所承認的要隨意得多 (即:許多地方借用了尼採的說但並非聲明),而Hester Van Zandt讀給Margo Roker的讀則是愛默生的Brahma。
7. 求英語高手幫忙翻譯
All Sequences (平和) : 5
The hand contains 4 sequences; no triplets/kong. The hand contains 4 sequences; no triplets/kong.
(There are no other restrictions as to the eyes pair, single call, or concealed hand.) (There are no other restrictions as to the eyes pair, single call, or concealed hand.)
Concealed Hand (門前清) : 5 Concealed Hand (門前清) : 5
The hand is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning on discard is okay. Concealed kongs are okay. The hand is concealed, without melding any exposed sets before winning. Winning on discard is okay. Concealed kongs are okay.
No Terminals (斷么九) : 5 No Terminals (斷么九) : 5
The hand consists entirely of middle number tiles (2 to 8); no terminals or honors. The hand consists entirely of middle number tiles (2 to 8); no terminals or honors.
Mixed One-Suit (混一色) : 40
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles.
Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit.
Nine Gates (九蓮寶燈) : 480
A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit.
(See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".)
Mixed One-Suit (混一色) : 40
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles. The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit, plus honor tiles.
Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100 Pure One-Suit (清一色) : 100
The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit. The hand consists entirely of number tiles in one suit.
Nine Gates (九蓮寶燈) : 480 Nine Gates (九蓮寶燈) : 480
A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit. A 9-way call hand, with "1112345678999" in one suit in your hand, and winning on any one tile in the same suit.
(See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".) (See also "Nine Gates Self-draw rule".)
Value Honor (番牌) : 10 per set
A triplet/kong of Seat Wind (your own Wind) or Dragons. A triplet/kong of Seat Wind (your own Wind) or Dragons.
Note: in World Series of Mahjong Rules System the Prevailing Wind is not recognized. Note: in World Series of Mahjong Rules System the Prevailing Wind is not recognized.
Small Three Dragons (小三元) : 40 Small Three Dragons (小三元) : 40
Two triplet/kong of Dragons, plus a pair of Dragons as the eyes. Two triplet/kong of Dragons, plus a pair of Dragons as the eyes.
Big Three Dragons (大三元) : 130
Three triplet/kong of Dragons. Three triplet/kong of Dragons.
Small Three Winds (小三風) : 25
Two triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes. Two triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes
Big Three Winds (大三風) : 120
Three triplet/kong of Winds. Three triplet/kong of Winds.
Small Four Winds (小四喜) : 320
Three triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes. Three triplet/kong of Winds, plus a pair of Winds as the eyes
Big Four Winds (大四喜) : 400
Four triplet/kong of Winds. Four triplet/kong of Winds.
All Honors (字一色) : 320
The hand consists entirely of honor tiles. The hand consists entirely of honor tiles.
All Triplets (對對和) : 40
The hand contains 4 set of triplets/kong; no sequences. The hand contains 4 set of triplets/kong; no sequences.
Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) : 5 Two Concealed Triplets (二暗刻) : 5
The hand contains two concealed triplets/concealed kong. The hand contains two concealed triplets/concealed kong.
Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) : 25 Three Concealed Triplets (三暗刻) : 25
The hand contains three concealed triplets/concealed kong. The hand contains three concealed triplets/concealed kong.
Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) : 115 Four Concealed Triplets (四暗刻) : 115
The hand contains four concealed triplets/concealed kong. The hand contains four concealed triplets/concealed kong.
One Kong (一杠) : 5 One Kong (一杠) : 5
The hand contains one kong. (Irrespective of whether it is exposed or concealed; same below.) The hand contains one kong. (Irrespective of whether it is exposed or concealed; same below.)
Two Kong (二杠) : 20 Two Kong (二杠) : 20
The hand contains two kong. The hand contains two kong.
Three Kong (三杠) : 120 Three Kong (三杠) : 120
The hand contains three kong. The hand contains three kong.
Four Kong (四杠) : 480 Four Kong (四杠) : 480
The hand contains four kong. The hand contains four kong.
Two Identical Sequences (一般高) : 10
Two sequences in the same suit in the same numbers. Two sequences in the same suit in the same numbers
Two Identical Sequences Twice (兩般高) : 55
The hand contains two groups of "Two Identical Sequences". The hand contains two groups of "Two Identical Sequences".
Three Identical Sequences (一色三同順) : 120
Three sequences in the same suit in the same numbers. Three sequences in the same suit in the same numbers
Four Identical Sequences (一色四同順) : 480
Four sequences in the same suit in the same numbers. Four sequences in the same suit in the same numbers.
Three Similar Sequences (三色同順) : 35
Three sequences in the same numbers across three different suits. Three sequences in the same numbers across three different suits
Small Three Similar Triplets (三色小同刻) : 25
Two triplets/kong in the same number in two different suits, and the eye pair in the same number in the third suit. Two triplets/kong in the same number in two different suits, and the eye pair in the same number in the third suit
Three Similar Triplets (三色同刻) : 120
Three triplets/kong in the same number across three different suits. Three triplets/kong in the same number across three different suits
Nine-Tile Straight (一氣通貫) : 40
A "123" sequence, a "456" sequence, and a "789" sequence, all in the same suit. A "123" sequence, a "456" sequence, and a "789" sequence, all in the same suit.
(The hand must contain exactly the three sequences listed above.) (The hand must contain exactly the three sequences listed above.)
Three Consecutive Triplets (三連刻) : 100
Three triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit. Three triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit.
Four Consecutive Triplets (四連刻) : 200
Four triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit. Four triplets/kong in consecutive numbers in the same suit
Mixed Lesser Terminals (混全帶么) : 40
Every of the 4 sets in the hand, as well as the pair of eyes, includes a terminal tile or an honor tile. Every of the 4 sets in the hand, as well as the pair of eyes, includes a terminal tile or an honor tile.
Final Discard (河底撈魚) : 10
Winning on a discarded "riverbed" tile (the last discard by the player who has drawn the seabed tile). Winning on a discarded "riverbed" tile (the last discard by the player who has drawn the seabed tile).
Win on Kong (嶺上開花) : 15 Win on Kong (嶺上開花) : 15
Self-draw win on a "supplement" tile (after declaring a kong). Self-draw win on a "supplement" tile (after declaring a kong).
(If the supplement tile is also the seabed tile, both patterns can be counted.) (If the supplement tile is also the seabed tile, both patterns can be counted.)
Robbing a Kong (搶杠) : 15 Robbing a Kong (搶杠) : 15
Winning by robbing a kong (when another player makes a "small exposed kong"). Winning by robbing a kong (when another player makes a "small exposed kong").
Blessing of Heaven (天和) : 320 Blessing of Heaven (天和) : 320
East winning with his initial 14-tile hand. East winning with his initial 14-tile hand.
(Does not count if East has made a concealed kong.) (Does not count if East has made a concealed kong.)
Blessing of Earth (地和) : 320 Blessing of Earth (地和) : 320
A non-East player calling with his initial 13-tile hand, and winning on East's very first discard. A non-East player calling with his initial 13-tile hand, and winning on East's very first discard.
Does not count if East has made a concealed kong. Does not count if East has made a concealed kong.
8. 【英語高手來幫忙翻譯一下】
如果你用心,那麼對於你也就無所謂什麼是難事。若是你不全力以赴,簡單的事情都會變得復雜。我們經常聽到人們說「永不放棄」,這是一句鼓勵人的話,同樣也是表達決心的話。一個真正自信的人,不論經歷多少次失敗的洗禮都將向著既定的目標執著的努力。 在我看來,下定決心要成功的這種品質是非常重要的。因此,我相信我們永遠都不要輕言放棄。 (第一段,總說)
.首先,我認為如果我們總是放棄那麼到頭來我們將一事無成。 在我們對一件新事物的首次嘗試中失敗幾乎是不可避免的,所以我們並沒有必要為此感到沮喪,相反我們應該再接再厲。 而且,如果我們總是在失敗的時候就放棄,我們將永遠不能從中學習,不能真正的成長。我們不能輕言放棄的另一個原因就是,只有在我們重頭再來的時候我們才能把我們之前吸取的經驗教訓加以運用。.若是我們就此放棄,那我們就浪費了這寶貴的經驗。 最後,我們不能放棄還因為,在為實現目標的努力過程中,無形中培養了我們的自信,而且這種自信可以使我們在生活的其它領域里一樣獲得成功。
也許,堅持不懈的最好範例就是阿布拉漢 林肯了,他出生貧寒,一生中 經歷了重重困難,他曾八次落選,也曾兩度在商界受挫並遭遇破產的打擊。他可以有很多次放棄的機會,但是他沒有。正因為他這種百折不撓的精神,他最終成為了美國歷史上最偉大的總統之一。林肯是一個永不言敗的冠軍。總的來說,在我們為實現目標的奮斗中,不輕言放棄是很重要的。不論最終我們成敗與否,我們終將會學到一些東西,而且這些我們學到的人生經驗將幫助我們成為更好、更為自信的人。 (第二大段分說,並舉例)
進一步說,如果我們放棄,我們將失去實現我們夢想的良機,但是如果我們堅持不懈,總有一天我們終將會成功。 謝謝。(總說,扣題)
9. 英語高手幫我翻譯 !謝謝
Pink Quartz Crystal
Garden Crystal
copper Quartz Rutilated
10. 英文翻譯
兩家公司合並後,這是共同的員工誰已與一家公司在很長一段時間的新員工不信任誰,反過來,常常不耐煩歲的營商方式。但是,確實是共同的部落,因為人們有一個自然的趨勢與其他國家一道,這些團體可以開發一個「我們對他們」的心態。這種心態的原因是兼並和收購使人們對未來的保障,形成部落可以提供一種安全感。從長遠來看,然而,這是有害的,不僅成功的企業合並,而且成功的生存雇員。這些事件不僅是共同但有可能是不可避免的,需要有效地處理他們的領導人,使員工生存,發展一個新的角度,以確保其成功和活力的新的組織(的MC -吉庫珀, 2005年) 。
雖然並購活動可能會導致失業和「部落」的倖存員工,員工也可以有機會成長。為韋爾奇,還有一些重要的考慮因素必須使員工如果他們決定留在合並後的實體。首先,他們需要像公司,產品和人。如果是這種情況,員工有責任創造一個平衡,他們的生命和必須能夠管理的需求增加而產生的工作合並,同時保持家庭生活(韋爾奇, 2006年)
檢測語言—阿爾巴尼亞文阿拉伯文愛沙尼亞語保加利亞文波蘭語朝鮮語丹麥語德語俄語法語菲律賓文芬蘭語蓋爾文(愛爾蘭)荷蘭語加泰羅尼亞文(西班牙)捷克語克羅埃西亞文拉脫維亞語立陶宛語羅馬尼亞語馬爾他文挪威語葡萄牙語日語瑞典語塞爾維亞文斯拉維尼亞文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文烏克蘭文西班牙語希伯來語希臘語匈牙利語義大利語印度文印尼文英語越南文中文 > 阿爾巴尼亞文阿拉伯文愛沙尼亞語保加利亞文波蘭語朝鮮語丹麥語德語俄語法語菲律賓文芬蘭語蓋爾文(愛爾蘭)荷蘭語加泰羅尼亞文(西班牙)捷克語克羅埃西亞文拉脫維亞語立陶宛語羅馬尼亞語馬爾他文挪威語葡萄牙語日語瑞典語塞爾維亞文斯拉維尼亞文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文烏克蘭文西班牙語希伯來語希臘語匈牙利語義大利語印度文印尼文英語越南文中文(繁體)中文(簡體) 互換