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發布時間: 2021-02-16 03:03:12

❶ 求英文翻譯:親愛的楊老師,祝您教師節快樂,感謝您的認真負責,感謝您孜孜不倦的教誨。

Dear Mr. Yang, I wish you a happy Teacher's day, thank you for your serious and responsible work and your tireless teaching

wish 讀法 英 [wɪʃ] 美 [wɪʃ]

1、v. 希望,但願;盼望,想要;祝,祝願;祈願,許願;(印度英語)問候;要求(某人)做某事

2、n. 希望,願望;祈求,心願;祝願,祝福;想要的東西,希望的事;請求,要求


1、wish for 盼望,希望得到

2、as you wish 隨心所欲




2、wish既可用作不及物動詞,也可用作及物動詞。用作及物動詞時,後接名詞、代詞、動詞不定式或that從句作賓語,從句中的謂語動詞要用虛擬式。wish有時也可接雙賓語,還可接以「(to be+) adj. 」、動詞不定式或過去分詞充當補足語的復合賓語。過去分詞作賓語補足語時表示被動或完成意義。


wish, desire, hope, want這組詞都含有「想」「希望」的意思。其區別是:

1、desire和hope多指可以達到的事; wish通常用於難以實現或達到的事, wish也可表示祈願。

2、desire, wish和hope後均可接從句或不定式作賓語; wish和desire後接that從句一般用虛擬語氣;desire和wish後可接復合賓語; hope用作不及物動詞時常接of, for引起的短語。


❷ 感謝老師英語作文要翻譯的

I want to say」Thank you」to Miss Wang our English teacher. I can never pay you back for your kindness and your patience. I used to be weak in English. You found my problem and helped me out. With your help I am now good at English. I still remember your smile on the day when I won first prize in the English speech competition. It was you who gave me the confidence. 我想對我們的英語老師說謝謝。對您的善良和耐心我是無法報答的。我曾經英語不好,你發現了我的問題並幫助我走出困境。在您的幫助下,我現在英語很好,我仍然記得當我在英語演講比賽中獲得第一名時您的微笑。是您給了我自信。


❸ 謝謝你,親愛的老師的英語怎麼講

Thank you, dear teacher.

❹ 用英語怎麼說「我親愛的老師」

英語:Mydearteacher 讀法:[maɪ][dɪə]['tiːtʃə]



Mydearteacher,mydearfriend!Good lucktoyou.


Goodafternoon,ladiesandgentlemen,mydearteachersandfellow graates.

dear 英[dɪə]美[dɪr]

adj. 親愛的;尊敬的;昂貴的

adv. 高價地;疼愛地

int. 哎呀

n. 親愛的人

n. (Dear)人名;(英、西)迪爾



1、adj. 親愛的;尊敬的;昂貴的


2、int. 哎呀


3、n. 親愛的人



expensive, dear, costly






❺ 幫我翻譯一段話,翻譯成英文。。非常感謝你我親愛的老師。謝謝你對我的幫助,在英語課上你認真的教課。



❻ 謝謝您,我親愛的老師 國旗下的演講英文翻譯,謝謝啦!

Whenever I hear the "teacher" is the word, it was particularly cordial. Have been taught all my teachers, to be appeared in front of me one by one: they are gentle, serious, gentle. . In any case, are aimed at planting our small saplings.
Dear teachers, in your body, I could feel the love of your work on the tremendous enthusiasm for the work. Quiet the night, you can still keep these ties, writing materials. Hanlaishuwang spring, summer and autumn and winter, you do not know how much effort and sweat shed. Whenever I lay in bed, it will not feel to think of you; teacher, still do these ties? I really want to turn into stars, come to your window to see if you are not tired, weak ~ ~ I want my kind of light illuminates your face. Gentle smile bar! Teachers, put aside all the tired, smiling perhaps give some thought! You order for us to learn more knowledge, at the expense of his own youth, I really wanted to become a bird, and flew to the sky, looking for the brightest stars give a you, I want to become a big tree, long ah long, long into the sky, pick one of the most beautiful rainbow send you.
If the mother is great, then the teacher you are, and countless children's mother, not even the great do? You kindly smile like spring sunshine, while we are the flowers of spring, your smile like the sun makes us feel extremely general warmth. You'll also like a mother to accompany老鷹捉小雞we play the game, when we are sick, you also care about us like our mother did.
Teacher, you're right that we pay for love is impossible to measure, you like a bright light for us to illuminate the road ahead, you like a spring to promote the wisdom of us sailing on the ocean. There is no you, no we have a brilliant future.
Dear teachers, I would like to sincerely say to you: a teacher, you work hard, thank you for all of us to pay!

❼ 親愛的老師英文怎麼說

My dear teather

❽ 親愛的老師用英語怎麼說

Dear my teacher,
thanks for teaching me lots of things.
Even though it is not you teach me now,
I remember the scene you teaching us reading before,
At that time,
you devote your energy to teaching us,
with no boring.
Thank you for the year you spare to with us.
Thank you for giving me the powerful knowledge that I need.
In the end,
You must have taken a lot of trouble about it,my teacher

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