『壹』 求一篇關於做!食物的英語作文!!!!!!!!急!急!急!急!急!
We have to learn how to make pancakes. The corn flour and sugar in a mixing bowl, pour the milk and mix well, the heart shaped mold wash dry stand-by. Open a small fire, pan put the oil, add to the mold, scoop proper batter is poured into the mould. Corn cake fried until after forming carefully remove mold, the corn tortilla fried until both sides are golden. Is it right? Very simple? Try doing it!
『貳』 幫我寫一段做餅乾的英文過程
Yesterday : with my friend.
.Today : with YaYa's family.
WE went to "Outback Steak House" and had the happy birthday parties~
.Yesterday's "Outback Steak House" --- is in Myungdong.
.Today's "Outback Steak House" --- is near Hong-ik university(where YaYa graated~).
Yaya is very thankful for their celebration, but Yaya got anxiety...
That anxiety is Yaya gained weight because ate too much food, dish for birthday..
YaYa is sure that I'm very happy person because of valued people who always love me near me
This IceCream cake is what my friend prepared for me~
What a cute cake it is~!!!
He said that he choose this cake because the angel in the center is similar to YaYa-_-;;;
What's your opinion?
^-^* Have a HappyHappyMerry day, everone~
『叄』 曲奇餅干怎麼做 用英語回答。
做法:1,先將黃油、糖放一起打20分鍾左右至發白(一定要特別的發,要不然曲奇做出來不酥)。 Method: 1, the butter, sugar, playing 20 minutes to white ( must be very fat, or cookies do not crisp ).2,將雞蛋打入黃油中攪拌均勻。 In 2, the eggs into the butter evenly mixing.3,將高、低粉加入攪拌均勻即可。 In 3, high, low powder can be mixed evenly.4,裝入擠袋,擠想要的花形的就OK了。進烤箱上下火150度15分鍾,烤至邊緣著色即可。 In 4, a squeeze bag, crowded like flower on OK. The upper and lower oven fire 150 degrees 15 minutes, roasted to edge coloring.如沒有高、低粉的情況下,用我們平常做麵食的富強粉也可以! If not high, low powder case, we do the pasta and powerful powder can also be!每個烤爐都不太一樣,烤的時候注意一下就可以了,邊緣著色就可以了,熟了就可以了!!!! Each oven are not the same, the baking time note can, edge coloring can be, done it!!!!形狀要什麼可以自選,,烘培是比較有難度的廚藝了,要有耐心,不可以調的太稀,容易碎裂。Shape to what can be optional, baking, cooking is a difficult, have patience, can't tune too thin, fragile.曲奇餅做法幾乎相同,口味不同是因為添加了不同配料:Cookies approach is almost the same, taste is different because of the different ingredients added:喜歡抹茶口味的加抹茶粉Like green tea and green tea powder喜歡堅果把杏仁核桃切碎放入,或者放葡萄乾。Like nuts almond walnut chopped into, or raisins.喜歡巧克力口味的,加入巧克力漿,如果沒有就用把巧克力塊融化了Like chocolate, chocolate syrup added, if not with the chocolate bar melted還可以加果醬點綴,祝你成功!Can also jam embellishment, I wish you success!
『肆』 關於餅乾的發明的英語作文,150詞左右,感激不盡......
The first is the British invention cookies, when called ", than open ". KaiYuan than for France, a bay's name. More than 150 years ago, there was a ship sailing in Britain than open sea, near sailing, tu encounter a storm, stranded television, and be hit a hole in the rock, the water flows into the cabin. In this crisis, the crew rowed the boat, on the desolate island. They take these things to the small island, with flour mixing cream, sugar, knead the dough into small, in a fire roast and eat, crisp sweet crisp. They rescued after returning home, in memory of the victims, in the same way many small eat bread baked. Such ", than open "graally spread. After food workers after the constant improvement, made a variety of all the cookies.
『伍』 求一篇現在完成時的英語作文,關於做餅乾的.
我買了烤箱一半years.I的希望使一些自製。我試圖讓餅干糖果 - 一個簡單的配方組成的紅版糖,奶油,餅乾和巧克力。幸權運的是,我手頭上的一切,包括一個漂亮的巧克力。
『陸』 我愛餅乾的英語作文
I like cookies.
『柒』 餅乾的英文怎麼寫
釋義:n. 餅干;小麵包(biscuit的復數形式)
Biscuits Factory餅干廠
Black Biscuits黑色餅干
make biscuits做餅干
1、So then he gets all the chocolate biscuits.
2、Biscuits and crackers are chemically leavened.
讀法:英 [dɪ'zɜːt] 美 [dɪ'zɝt]
1、n. 餐後甜點;甜點心
2、n. (Dessert)人名;(法)德塞爾
1、dessert bowl甜食碗
2、Lucky Dessert發記甜品
3、dessert platter甜品拼盤
4、Morning Dessert晨間點心
『捌』 用英語介紹怎樣製作椰蓉餅干
又稱為布朗尼、波士頓布朗尼(英文:Chocolate Brownie),是一種小塊、濃味、像餅乾的巧克力蛋糕,以它富含的巧克力色(brown)而得名。有時會覆上一層乳脂軟糖(fudge),或是在蛋糕體中混著核桃一類的乾果,和碎片(巧克力、奶油糖果、花生奶油或其他)。而一般相信布朗尼首次問世是在1897年Sears and Roebuck目錄中. 布朗尼通常一層巧克力糖衣或糖霜,也可能是增添香草或薄荷香氣的糖衣。
Anna Pavlova 是一位30年代最傑出的俄國芭蕾舞演員,曾經到澳洲和紐西蘭演出過,深受人民群眾喜愛。據說 「帕芙洛娃」(PAVLOVA)是由澳洲的一位名廚首創。他很喜歡這個美麗的舞蹈演員,創制出一款美味的點心,並以她的名字PAVLOVA命名。這款點心的底層以蛋白等材料調配後烘製,頂層飾以色彩繽紛的忌廉和時令新鮮水果,鮮艷亮麗的外觀就尤如那位女子的美貌一樣。蛋糕的口感也十分特別,底層的蛋白坯子外脆內滑,外殼用手一摸有種硬硬的感覺,其實松鬆脆脆入口即化,里層是軟軟的海綿質地,像綿軟香甜的棉花糖。再與表層清爽香甜的水果和冰涼香滑的奶油交融在一起,甜蜜幸福的味道充斥著你的舌尖。 Pavlova剛剛出爐的口感並非最佳。Pavlova通常都不熱著吃,而是放涼後再吃,而且最好和冰激凌一起配合著吃。 美麗的容貌豐富的內涵,堅強的外表柔軟的心。水,至柔,卻可吞納萬物,玻璃,至剛,卻一觸即碎。呈上這個外殼堅硬易碎,內芯柔軟又有韌性的蛋白水果蛋糕,獻給所有外剛內柔的姐妹們。
德國西南部的山區黑森林(Schwarzwald)是著名的風景區。這一地區森林密布,以樅樹等針葉樹為主,遠遠望去,一片墨綠而近乎黑色。因此有個浪漫的名字:黑森林。 黑森林蛋糕是德國著名甜點。它融合了櫻桃的酸、奶油的甜、巧克力的苦、櫻桃酒的醇香。完美的黑森林蛋糕經得起各種口味的挑剔。黑森林蛋糕被稱作黑森林的特產之一,德文原意為「黑森林櫻桃奶油蛋糕」。正宗的黑森林蛋糕一點也不黑,不含黑色的巧克力。 黑森林蛋糕的雛形最早出現於南部黑森林地區。相傳,每當櫻桃豐收時,農婦們除了將過剩的櫻桃製成果醬外,在做蛋糕時,也會大方地將櫻桃一顆顆塞在蛋糕的夾層里,或是作為裝飾細心地點綴在蛋糕的表面。而在打制蛋糕的鮮奶油時,更會加入大量櫻桃汁。製作蛋糕坯時,麵糊中也加入櫻桃汁和櫻桃酒。這種以櫻桃與鮮奶油為主的蛋糕從黑森林傳到外地後,也就變成所謂的「黑森林蛋糕」了。 黑森林蛋糕在上個世紀三十年代開始聞名,今天已經成為德國最受歡迎的甜點,美名也已傳遍了全世界。在歐洲許多地區,不論是星級酒店,還是普通餐館,黑森林蛋糕總能出現在菜單上。而最為高檔的黑森林蛋糕,要用黑森林產的櫻桃、櫻桃汁和櫻桃酒。 目前大部分的糕餅師傅在製作黑森林時,會使用不少巧克力。蛋糕表面的黑色巧克力碎屑讓人聯想起美麗的黑森林,於是很多人認為黑森林因此得名。其實黑森林蛋糕真正的主角,是那鮮美豐富的櫻桃。以前德國曾出現消費者因某家黑森林蛋糕的櫻桃含量太少而提出控告的案例。德國政府因此作出了相關規定,黑森林蛋糕的鮮奶油部分中,至少得含有80克的櫻桃汁。
關於Tiramisu的由來傳說眾多,但有一個傳說是最為浪漫傷感的,也是流傳最廣的。在第二次世界大戰時期,一個義大利士兵就要離開家園去出征了,深愛他的妻子為他准備送行的點心,可是家裡已經什麼吃的東西也沒有了, 於是,妻子只能找出家裡所有能吃的餅干、麵包、咖啡,一層層疊上去,做成一份點心,取名為「Tiramisu」,意為「帶我走」。其實帶走的不只是美味,還有愛和幸福,士兵把美味的提拉米蘇、更是把妻子的愛一起帶到了戰場。
全球風靡盛行至今的「義大利Panettone Pane水果麵包」,是老天爺無心插柳的傑作。
Classic Christmas Pudding
(Classic Christmas Pudding)
德國耶誕節最應景的糕點當「史多倫」Stollen莫屬。源自西元1474 年德國東部德烈斯敦(Dresden),當時的史多倫是由酵母、水與麵粉的簡單配方組成,依地域不同,另會加入酒漬水果乾、杏仁、肉桂、豆寇,並在外表覆蓋著一層厚厚的雪白糖粉,象徵著被包裹在襁褓中的耶穌。如今每年降臨節的第二個周六,德國的德烈斯敦城都會舉辦史多倫嘉年華(Stollenfest);2000年還曾打破世界紀錄,製作高達4.2公噸的史多倫。
1927年,一位資深的糕點師在製作蛋糕時突發奇想,將蛋黃,蛋白分別攪打,混合後加麵粉和植物油,再放入大量鮮奶,果汁低溫烘焙,世界上第一個戚風蛋糕(Chiffon Cake)由此誕生。正因為這款蛋糕可長久保持松軟,滋潤,發明者才以Chiffon(法文原意「絹帛」)命名他的傑作。
『玖』 關於做餅干蛋糕和披薩的英文作文
『拾』 餅干做法 步驟英文翻譯!
First look at preparations for the material:
Low-gluten flour 80g baking powder 5g
4 eggs 60ml milk
Oil a little sugar 80g
First, egg yolks and protein separation. Flour and baking powder mixed well.
Note that do must use low-gluten cake flour! ! Not suitable for high-gluten flour to cake! !
Then, egg yolk (note that the Department of yolk proteins acridine .. .. 5 to acridine use the following steps to remain savages), milk, 40 grams of sugar, some oil mixture, stirring evenly.
Will be a good mixture of flour and baking powder, eggs can be a slight affect on the brush, this can eliminate the flour particles.
And then filled in the egg yolk mixture, stirring evenly.
Then start playing a protein. Many people did not estimate Mixer, I decided to sacrifice one, a manual egg, to see how in the end……
Bahrain will be one, starting to see some of the bubble, by adding 40 grams of sugar, 2 hours, can also increase sugar and continue to fight……
The protein has been hit with the foam, but relatively small can.
Look at the egg yolk mixture and protein results.
Then, egg yolk (note that the Department of yolk proteins acridine .. .. 5 to acridine use the following steps to remain savages), milk, 40 grams of sugar, some oil mixture, stirring evenly.
Will be a good mixture of flour and baking powder, eggs can be a slight affect on the brush, this can eliminate the flour particles.
And then filled in the egg yolk mixture, stirring evenly.
Then, in the 2-3, to join in the egg yolk mixture, and stir on a uniform, and then further.
After mixing completely homogeneous. Ready for a microwave containers, oil is applied around the inside.
Will be completely mixed good Slip filled containers……
Slip the loaded containers in the table a few Zhen, this could be a rush of air bubbles out.
Then you can into the microwave!
Some think the heat evenly, on the first pad below is a pair of bamboo or wooden chopsticks, and then on the chopsticks on the containers.
Transferred to high-end microwave ovens in the fire, about 5 minutes.
Five minutes after the open, if not enough heating cooked on one minute more.
Upon completion, out, TKW in the plate on the OK!
Enen, Ting-egg smell of it, is indeed cake Oh ~ ~
Want to do the modeling, as early as the outside can be directly applied and butter ah ah what the chocolate. Not directly on the shape of the incision eat.
啦completed, the cake is very soft, colors, Wei Huang, faintly smell of eggs.
Even it open for everyone to see, Oh, also poured a chocolate condensed milk to the point: P
Although smaller than that done by the Electric Mixer cake so delicate, but it also has a pretty good.
And the ovens do not feel the same, but also very delicious!
The key is this more convenient, but not suitable for the oven JMS, is a popular easy way oh.
Time-consuming a total of about 45 minutes. Eggs, including a time.