A. 「沒注意到這一點」用英語怎麼說
Didn't notice it
B. 他沒有注意到老師和他說的話 用英語
He paid no attention to what the teacher had said to him.
C. 我沒有注意到你用英語怎麼說
I didn't notice you.
D. 沒有被注意到。要怎麼翻譯成英語。(翻譯的字母越少越好)
E. 『某個人,已經消失了,而我們沒注意到,』 用英語翻譯
We are unaware of one's disappearance.
Someone has disappeared,but we've no idea.
F. 他假裝沒注意到他女兒英語翻譯
6.When I passed him,he pretended not to see me.
7.Mrs.Smith warn her daughter not to drive after drinking alcohol.
8.He seems to have caught a cold.
9.He seems to be eating something.
10.He finds it difficult to fall asleep.
G. 翻譯成英語強調句型 1因為他專心於一個數學問題,所以他沒有注意到我走進房間。
1)It was his absorption in a math problem that he failed to noticemy entrance to the room.
2)It was his absorption in a math problem that he didn't noticedI enterd the room.
H. 沒有注意到,,的英文翻譯,,謝謝
Didn't notice
I. 英語翻譯句子 他從我身邊走過,一點都沒注意到我。
was divided into three
not suitable to be not only engineers, but also not fit to be a surgeon
for you to worry much
It's said that he was not afraid of having a speech to
not only completedhis tasks, but also
has been highly commended by the General Manager
take interest in
每當來同學在學習上自遇到問題時, 他都很樂意幫助他們 when students encounter in troubles of studies
J. 由於他沉迷於讀書,他沒有注意我的到來,翻譯成英語
As he was addicted to reading,he didn't notice that I was coming.